Stratmoor Hills Events ArchiveSHNA 2019 Annual Christmas Potluck December 5, 2019 at 6PM12/05/2019SHNA 2019 Annual Christmas Potluck December 5, 2019 at 6PM Annual Stratmoor Hills Community Yard Sales06/08/2019Annual Stratmoor Hills Community Yard Sales June 8, 2016 from 8 AM to 2 PM Stratmoor Hills Fire Station Community Open House August 11, 2018 10 AM to 3 PM08/11/2018Stratmoor Hills Fire Station Community Open House August 11, 2018 10 AM to 3 PM Stratmoor Hills Annual Community Yard Sales Saturday June 23, 2018 8 AM to ?06/23/2018Stratmoor Hills Annual Community Yard Sales Saturday June 23, 2018 from 8 AM to ?. The BOD will advertise two weeks in advance. Check for unwanted items and make a few dollars and visit with your neighbors. See you there!! Stratmoor Hills 2018 Spring Neighborhood Clean Up Day May 18, 201805/18/2018The Stratmoor Hills 2018 Spring Clean Up day is: May 18, 2018, from 7 AM to 11 AM. The dumpster will be located by the Fire Station on B Street. NO CHEMICALS or Electronics of any type this year. See you there!! February General Meeting - February 14, 2018 - 6 PM02/14/2018uary General Meeting - February 14, 2018 - 6 PM This meeting will be a thank you to our community with a "Chocoholic" theme. The BOD members will prepare delicious chocolate items for everyone. We also have a guest speaker, Mr. Mike Angley who is running for Sheriff of El Paso County.
SHNA 2017 Annual Christmas Potluck at the Stratmoor Elementary School12/06/2017SHNA will host our annual Christmas potluck at the Stratmoor Hills Elementary school on December 6, 2017 at 6 PM. The BOD will furnish turkeys and a ham. Neighbors will furnish a side dish. This event is a wonderful time to connect with our community of great neighbors. SHNA Election of Officers 2017 - 201810/04/2017There will be a meeting at the Stratmoor Hills Volunteer Fire Department on October 4, 2017 at 6 PM for those interested in a position on the SHNA Board of Directors. Stratmoor Hills Community Picnic on August13, 2017 - 11 AM to 3 PM08/13/2017Stratmoor Hills Community Picnic 2017 on August13, 2017. It is always a lot of fun with good food, SHFD cooling the kids (and adults). Nice time to unwind with neighbors and catch up on what is going on. SHNA County Commissioner District 4/General Meeting06/21/2017SHNA County Commissioner District 4/General Meeting On June 21, 2017 the Stratmoor Hills Neighborhood Association will host a Town Hall meeting at the Stratmoor Hills United Methodist Church for Mr. Loginos Gonzalez Jr., Our El paso County Commissioner for District 4. Time: 6:00 PM. Stratmoor Hills Community Garage Sales June 10, 2017 - 8 AM until ?06/10/2017Stratmoor Hills Community garage sales will be held on June 10, 2017. Super way to get rid of unwanted items, meet neighbors plus those from outside our community. 2017 Spring Neighborhood Cleanup Day - April 22, 2017 - 7 AM until 11 AM or when dumpsters are full04/22/2017In conjunction with El Paso County celebrating Earth Day on April 22, 2017 they have asked us to participate on this date. I will send more info out on email to everyone. There will be no hazardus waste this year - only every other year. General Meeting at the Stratmoor Hills Elementary School - April 12, 2017 - 6:00 PM04/12/2017General Meeting Elementary school April 12, 2017 We are hoping to have a Spencer's Nursery representative talk to us about planting gardens, trees etc..
DECEMBER - NO SHNA Board of Directors Meeting12/31/2014There is NO SHNA Board of Directors Meeting in DECEMBER DECEMBER -- Judging Christmas Decorating Contest12/20/2014Just after dark this evening the judges will be driving through the neighborhood to choose the prize winner The prize this year is a DECEMBER - Christmas Potluck Dinner12/03/20146:30 PM, Stratmoor School Join us for this wonderful time of the year Bring your favorite dish to share with our neighbors. SHNA will provide the meat, punch, plates, utensils and napkins. There are beautiful items made by our hostess, Jackie Schimpf, that will be raffled. There will be door prizes. NOVEMBER - Christmas Decorating Contest coming11/29/2014Make sure your lights and music are ready to go for judging on T-B-D!! The prize this year is a gift card from King Soopers NOVEMBER - Board of Directors Meeting - NEW DATE11/19/2014Moved to this date to accomodate Thanksgving Day. All neighbors are welcome to attend. 6:00 pm in the meeting room at Stratmoor Hills Volunteer Fire Department NOVEMBER - Monthly meeting11/05/2014Program T-B-D 6:30 pm at Stratmoor School OCTOBER - Board of Directors Meeting10/29/2014All neighbors are welcome to attend. 6:00 pm in the meeting room at Stratmoor Hills Volunteer Fire Department OCTOBER - Super Spaghetti Supper10/01/2014Super Spaghetti Supper - Make sure you get your tickets!! Get your tickets . . . Work up an appetite . . Come to the SHNA Supreme Spaghetti Supper October 1 - - 6:30 to 8:30 pm Stratmoor School $6.00 -- adults $3.00 -- children 4-12 FREE -- children 3 and under Contact any Board member for tickets - see contact information at There will be DOOR PRIZES! SEPTEMBER - Board of Directors Meeting09/24/2014All neighbors are welcome to attend. 6:00 pm in the meeting room at Stratmoor Hills Volunteer Fire Department SEPTEMBER - ELECTIONS - Board of Directors09/03/2014SHNA Monthly Neighborhood Meeting Wednesday, September 3 at 6:30 pm Stratmoor Hills Elementary School 200 Loomis Avenue Business will include: -- Elections will be held for the SHNA Board of Directors AUGUST - Board of Directors Meeting08/27/2014All neighbors are welcome to attend. 6:00 pm in the meeting room at Stratmoor Hills Volunteer Fire Department AUGUST - Stratmoor Hills Picnic in the Park08/10/2014AUGUST 10, 2014 11:00 am Note the time Stratmoor Park Pavilion 413 Sinton Avenue The association provides . . . Burgers and Hot Dogs Condiments, tomatoes, onions, lettuce Place settings (plates, knives, forks spoons, napkins) Soft Drinks Neighbors bring a generous side dish or dessert
Remind your neighbors to COME to the PICNIC!! We will be taking volunteers to serve on the next SHNA Board of Directors Elections are in September so let us know if you wish to volunteer AUGUST - No Regular Monthly Meeting08/06/2014There will be no neighborhood meeting in August JULY - Board of Directors Meeting07/30/2014All neighbors are welcome to attend. 6:00 pm in the meeting room at Stratmoor Hills Volunteer Fire Department JULY - No Regular Monthly Meeting07/02/2014Happy Independence Day!! Have a SAFE 4th! JUNE - Board of Directors Meeting06/25/2014All neighbors are welcome to attend. 6:00 pm in the meeting room at Stratmoor Hills Volunteer Fire Department JUNE - Neighborhood Garage Sale at your House06/14/2014 GARAGE/YARD SALE Get Ready . . . Saturday JUNE 14, 2014 8:00 am – 2:00 pm
Round up those items you have thought about getting rid of . . . Get your neighbors to participate . . . The more sellers, the better the sales! Signs will be set up at the entrances to Stratmoor Hills at Cheyenne Meadows B Street Venetucci Ads will be placed on Craigslist Put a sign up to let people know you are participating in the sale Be sure to put signs on the cross streets to guide shoppers to your sale All proceeds are yours to keep!!
If you are not selling - - - go shopping in the neighborhood! JUNE - No Regular Monthly Meeting06/04/2014Get your sale items ready Get your extra change See you at the Garage Sale!
MAY - Board of Directors Meeting05/28/2014All neighbors are welcome to attend. 6:00 pm in the meeting room at Stratmoor Hills Volunteer Fire Department MAY - No Regular Monthly Meeting05/07/2014. MAY - HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Collection Day05/02/2014Hours 9 - Noon Location T-B-D Types of materials T-B-A Contact any Board Member if you have questions MAY - Stratmoor Hills Clean Up Day NOTE: this is Friday05/02/2014Stratmoor Hills Neighborhood Association YARD CLEAN UP DAY Friday, MAY 2, 2014 7:00 AM until dumpsters are full Location: T-B-D STRATMOOR HILLS RESIDENTS, ONLY Please, bring proof of Stratmoor Hills residence (water bill, driver's license, etc.) Bring lawn trimmings, trash from your gardens, flowerbeds and general yard clean up Cut all tree and shrub branches pieces smaller than 4 feet so they fit into the dumpster NO furniture or appliances or tires accepted Dumpsters paid for with your always generous donations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please bring canned goods for the B Street Food Pantry APRIL - Board of Directors Meeting04/30/2014All neighbors are welcome to attend. 6:00 pm in the meeting room at Stratmoor Hills Volunteer Fire Department APRIL - Regular Monthly Meeting04/02/2014Program - TBA Stratmoor School, 6:30 pm MARCH - SHNA Board of Directors Meeting03/26/2014All neighbors are welcome to attend. 6:00 pm in the meeting room at Stratmoor Hills Volunteer Fire Department MARCH - Regular Monthly Meeting03/05/2014Program - TBA Stratmoor School, 6:30 pm FEBRUARY - SHNA Board of Directors Meeting02/26/2014All neighbors are welcome to attend. 6:00 pm in the meeting room at Stratmoor Hills Volunteer Fire Department FEBRUARY - Regular monthly meeting02/05/2014Regular Monthly Meeting Meet SHNA President Beilfuss who will talk with us about Youth Corrections in Colorado Springs A topic many of you may have wondered about. How often do you get the opportunity to talk with someone who is there every day and can share some of the challenges and the triumphs he witnesses? Stratmoor School, 6:30 pm JANUARY - SHNA Board of Directors Meeting01/29/2014All neighbors are welcome to attend. 6:00 pm in the meeting room at Stratmoor Hills Volunteer Fire Department JANUARY - NO January 2014 General Meeting01/01/2014There will be NO monthly meeting in January, 2014. SHNA Events...→ Click here for the current Events. |
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